Founder and Author

Ritik Rawat

Pardon my long hair that hide my eyes. I am messy otherwise.”

I am delighted to introduce myself as a passionate explorer of both words and ideas. A graduate in Philosophy from Hansraj College, University of Delhi, I have embarked on a journey that marries the profound depth of philosophical inquiry with the artistry of the written word.

I created this blog after my graduation in attempt to channelize the thoughts that were hitherto dormant. In recent times, there has been a monotony of thoughts, mitigating people from transcending the ‘acquired’ thoughts. With this problem at one hand and logic in the other, I embark on a rather uncertain journey to build a community that would ‘think’ beyond the normative. 

About Profoundsophy

We are essentially a philosophical community that colludes philosophy with real-life issues and give you an overall fresh perspective. Most of the ideas presented are precariously held and subject to change upon edifying discussions. We believe in the Socratic assertion,” At any rate. It seems that I am wiser than he is to this small extent that I do not think that I know that I do not know.”

The themes taken up to write are something that the author strongly feels about and materializes upon rigorous research.

We try to give the resulting work an argumentative format but realize the problem is that it can only sometimes be the case.

Owing to the academic nature of the writings, we have yet to secure the peer reviews, but we have plans to bring them to you soon. Furthermore, we have tried to keep the academic as demographic-friendly as possible. While specific ideas need expounding and jargon, we tend to keep the ideas still fathomable.

Our Vision

Our vision is to create a community of thinkers (the modern philosophers) who understand the real issues in a way that reeks of rationality and logic. With the help of this platform, we are positing that human thought is not exhaustible, and with each generation, someone will stand up and deconstruct the existing norms and ideas on which we establish our conduct.